Thursday, April 8, 2010

100 ~ Spring Garden Macros

Tamora 1 Tamora

I'm now at one hundred posts here and to mark the occasion I put on my macro lens and went out to take a few garden photos. We pruned the roses around January 20th so they are now in full bloom.

Tamora 2

larkspur Pink Larkspur

Larkspur 2

Iceberg 1 Iceberg

Iceberg 2

Oh Dear - What's her name?

needs name

Tibouchina Tibouchina

This morning a friend invited me into to her garden to take some photos, and in particular of her Iceland Poppy which is blooming. I am always delighted to visit her beautiful garden and will dedicate another post very soon with photos taken there. For the moment, here is one I took this morning of her poppy and her Lady Banks Rose.

Iceland poppy Iceland Poppy - Papaver nudicaule

Lady Banks Lady Banks Rose - Rosa Banksiae Lutescens

And back to my garden:

Iceberg 3

Petrea Petrea Volubilis

I hope you also have a garden full of spring flowers to enjoy!

Thanks for dropping by and hasta la vista!


Camera used: Canon EOS 30D DSLR with EF 100mm f/2.8 USM macro lens.


Lona said...

I am just speechless. All of your pictures are just so beautiful!

Ann Flower said...

You have posted awesome shots of flowers. I admire those lenses you are having. They are so vivid and charming.

Benjamin Madison said...

Beautiful bunch of macros and that lens makes a nice smooth bokeh - inspires me to put on my macro this morning and head out to see if I can find some camas lilies blooming.

Anonymous said...

hi sharon,
these are fantastic photos, in particular i like the bee shot. much better than my own endeavour with the small stingers. are you just more patient, luckier, or do you have the better camera/macro lens/eye?
in any case, many congratulations to some outstanding photographs.
greetings from mallorca.

debsgarden said...

I have got to get me a macro lens! Your photos are inspirational. Congratulations on 100 posts!

Canarybird said...

Thank you all for your kind comments.
Benjamin you have taken some beautiful flower photos and I always enjoy seeing what you find to photograph around Victoria. I would like to have a zoom lens next to make those bird shots as you do.

Klaus your photos are a treat every day! I love my macro lens and am amazed at how easy it is to catch the mini world in such detail. I'm out again these days at a friend's garden having a lovely time chasing bees. Sharon.

Marysol said...

What a lucky bee to be immortalized in one of your spectacular photographs!


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