Isn't she beautiful! She came into our garden thin and starving. We fed her and gave her a bed. She went away again for three days and then she returned to stay with us. We named her Bibi and she was overjoyed to be in a safe home with a garden where she could play.

The veterinarian came and scanned her to see if she was microchipped, (she wasn't) and gave her a general health check.
She was fine but very thin and undernourished.

At first she couldn't keep food down and was sick after eating. But I think as she was starving she was eating too quickly . So I gave her only a couple of teaspoons of food every few hours and that seemed to work.

She's now gained some weight, and has become a desk companion and is either on my lap, or sitting right between me and the keyboard while I'm on the computer!
What a sweetheart she is.

She is a beautiful cat, I wonder why she was abondonned. Fortunately she found such a good home with you. I have a group of cat lovers who write once a week on Thursdays about their cats. Maybe you can tell a little more about here each week ?
It's here on my My Cats and funny Stories blog.
That's a sweet companion for you! And Bibi sure is lucky she's in good hands :)
Sharon, I love my kitty, but I'll be the first to admit, you've been adopted by the loveliest cat I've ever seen. Are those eyes as blue in person as they appear in the photo?
Please, give Bibi a little scratch behind the ears for me.
Gattina thank you for your comment and I will drop by and see your cat lovers group although I won't be able to stop by every week. I'll certainly visit your blog and read your cat stories.
Thank you Keats. Yes Bibi and I are already becoming inseparable. She is always on my desk now!
Lovely to see you Sol! Yes those eyes are so blue I can't believe it sometimes. They seem to glow in the dark. I scratched her ears and said that was from Sol....she purred!
Bibi has such beautiful blue eyes. She was fortunate to wander into your garden.
Don't mind me, I just came by to take a second look at your newest baby. I could lose myself in her blue eyes.
Sol those eyes seem to appear an even more intense blue when she's sitting in the shade. They almost glow! Thanks for dropping by again.
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