This morning I could have gone through the garden singing that old song from from the show Oklahoma...Oh What a Beautiful Morning...because it would have been very appropriate with sun shining, balmy warm air, twittering birds flying around the palm trees and many roses in bloom. Yes it's December 29th but it feels like spring here.
Here's what I saw while meandering around the front garden.

As I write this, it's Tuesday evening and Bibi has just jumped on my desk...and she's soaking wet, so it must be raining outside now. That's the best way to have the weather I think...a beautiful sunny day and a soft rain at night to water the garden. Now where's a towel so I can dry you off Bibi.
Have a lovely rest of the week and drive carefully!
I'll finish here with the beautiful voice of Eva Cassidy singing "What a Wonderful World".
¡Hasta La Vista! Sharon.
Photos were taken with a Canon EOS 30D DSLR and 50mm f/1.4 lens.
Hi, I just discovered your beautiful blog. The Canary Islands must be a very special place; the flowers are gorgeous. Bibi and Tigger are cute. Tigger reminds me of Garden, my kitty friend who thinks she owns me! Your photography is great, and I look forward to following your future posts. Happy New Year!
Aaaaahhh! Im am so much in love with these sunlit balmy photos. I could not view the top 3 - some techie glitch. But nevertheless, so lovely.
I was thinking that Louis Armstrong's What a wonderful world, was better!
Beautiful blog - just like the beautiful person you are. Happy holidays and a great new year to you. Will see you around often :-)
You have what looks to be two great cats! Those flowers are amazing as well.
Hi Deb....I have been looking at your blog too. Yes these are special islands, volcanic in nature and with fertile soil and a springtime that lasts all year. My cats also love it here. Happy New Year to you too!
Ishrath...sorry you couldn't load those photos, but thank you for your visit and comments!
Jo we have another cat as well, but she's now very old and just loves to lie in the sun all day and on my knee at night lol!
I'm glad we can all get outdoors for some sun every day as it makes our lives so cheerful and positive. Sharon.
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