A goatherder is seen with his flock in the barranco or ravine in the area of La Vera in the north of Tenerife. Although there seems to be little vegetation there, it is customary for goats to graze alongside wandering roosters and hens. The above photo was taken in November 2009, whereas the one below, taken yesterday, February 24 2010, shows the same ravine much greener after the recent rains. A lone goat lay there with her kids.

And like a diva on her chaise longue, Bibi sits on the porch in her chair observing the world between catnaps.

That's all for today, thanks for visiting and ¡Hasta la vista!.

Beautiful pictures!! I love all of the colours, both in the gardens and on the buildings :)
Sharon, I dare say you capture more beauty in a day, then most of us capture in a lifetime.
Love it, Sharon...My favorite pic? the catus among the geraniums!
Omigoodness, look at those red geraniums. They just pop right off the screen. Gorgeous!
Is that your cat? She's beautiful. I had a cat just like her. Her name was Samantha, and she let me live with her. Aren't they wonderful?
Yes our flowers bloom here year round. Thanks all for kind comments.
Jo...yes, Bibi is one of three cats we have. One is a feral male who lives in our garden and allows us to feed him but never comes in the house. But a Siamese cat is something special and has a different personality to other cats I've had. She was an abandoned cat who came to our door one day and stayed.
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